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Should I be worried about CyberThreats?

Yes....Resoundingly Yes.   Attacks are happening all of the time and most of us aren't even aware of it.


There is no way around it.  If you have a company name with a Domain Name associated with it, you are under attack.  It doesn't matter how big or how small you are, you are being attacked.  For a small organization with a minor presence, you will probably never know as you either use a paid service to host you website, and they hopefully have some pretty good protection by default, or the attackers will never find your business to be something that they could exploit to the point that it would be profitable for them. 

A recent statistic showed that cyber criminals are lurking within company infrastructures for an average of over 200 days prior to conducting any nefarious actions.  200 days of someone just hanging around. I don't know about you but I don't like guests in my house after 72 hours, much less 200 days, and those are people that I invited in.  I really don't want people that I don't know in my company infrastructure for any amount of time much less 200 days.

If you would like to find out about any unwanted guests